


This is the base URL for all API calls.


Authentication is performed via the header parameter as outlined in each operation documentation.

To obtain a key, you will need to sign up for a subscription. This can be done via making a selection from the pricing page.

Response Headers

Each successful API response will have with it a number of custom header parameters.

These parameters can be used as a guide to understand impacts on performance, the given amount of time a specific section and the number of calls your subscription has made for the given month.

SS-ADO-Quota-LimitThe total quota of calls that can be made for any given month with the product assigned to the given subscription.
SS-ADO-Quota-UsedThe current number of calls for the month.
SS-ADO-Ingress-DurationThe amount of time taken (in seconds) to ingest the data. This does not include the time taken for the API to receive the data over the internet.
SS-ADO-Egress-ColumnCountThe number of columns include in the results set.
SS-ADO-Egress-RowCountThe number of rowsinclude in the results set.
SS-ADO-Egress-CellCountThe number of cells (rows x columns).
SS-ADO-Flatten-DurationThe amount of time (in seconds) it took for the engine to flatten an array of complex objects.
SS-ADO-Egress-DurationThe amount of time taken (in seconds) to write the outgoing dataset into a JSON structure. This is a pre-step if the output is written out as a text/csv dataset.
SS-ADO-Total-DurationThe total duration of the API in seconds. This is defined as from the time the data was received to the time the response was returned. Any additional duration you experience (i.e. comparing against Postman runtimes) will be due to the transmission of data from source to target and additional processing on the client side.

Service Limits

Limits have been applied to this service.

Maximum request payload size. Payloads larger than this run the risk of experiencing memory issues on the server side. To overcome this limitation, it is suggested to split up any and all data files so that each individual one does not exceed the limit shown.30 MB (+/-)