
Provides the ability to execute a fully qualified SQL statement over one or more datasets.

Version 1

HTTP Request
POST /ado/v1/Expert


Ocp-Apim-Subscription-KeyThe subscription key you received when you purchased a plan.

Request Body


querystringFully qualified SQL statement that performs a query over the given datasets. The query is permitted to make use of any and all of the built in functions available to the framework.
dataobjectObject containing one or more properties. Each property is defined as an object array.


Further Documentation: Common Parameters

schemaObjectYou can use this parameter to override the inferred schema for properties in the incoming dataset(s).
A field will be inferred unless specific explicitly within this object.
advancedOptionsObjectIs an object with the following properties.

cultureName (String)
The specified culture determines the behaviour for aspects related to formatting numeric values and dates. Is extremely important when converting strings to dates, e.g. 05/03/2022 will be treated differently between locales. For more information on the accepted values for this property, please consult the documentation from Microsoft …

isBoolean (string[])
A list of strings that are the names of all properties in the resulting dataset that should be treated as boolean values.

By default, the framework treats boolean values as 1 (true) or 0 (false). In order to differentiate the integer as a boolean, the property in question needs to be called out explicitly in this list.


Single Dataset
Multiple Datasets

A non-complex dataset is loaded and then transformed using numerous built-in functions.

The example itself is somewhat meaningless but highlights the flexibility of the framework as it pertains to the built-in custom functions.



The Date field is required to be cast specifically as DateTime. Failure to do this will result in an error when executing the query due to it being treated as a string.

However, changing the SQL statement to cast the Date field specifically within the query vs overriding the inferred schema is also a valid approach. e.g.

FormatDateTime(AddTime(DateTime([Date]), '16:21:46'), 'dd MMM yyy hh:mm')Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Although the incoming date formats within each record are different, the framework resolves them correctly.

The schema is a fully qualified object with dataset names as properties given not every property with the same name may share the same data type.


    "Query": "SELECT FormatDateTime(AddTime([Date], '16:21:46'), 'dd MMM yyy hh:mm') AS [DateTime], Trim([HeaderText]) AS [HeaderText], Concat(Concat(Trim([HeaderText]), ','), [DocumentType]) AS [ConcatenatedField], Format(Int([FiscalYear]), '#,##') AS [FY], Reverse([HeaderText]) AS 'Reverse', Proper([HeaderText], '') AS [Proper], [Header].[DocumentType] FROM [Header]",
    "Schema": {
            "FiscalYear": "Integer",
            "Date": "DateTime"
    "Data": {
        "Header": [
                "DocumentNumber": "00001",
                "CompanyCode": "1000",
                "FiscalYear": "2022",
                "DocumentType": "AA",
                "HeaderText": "Test Document 1",
                "Date": "25/05/2021"
                "DocumentNumber": "00001",
                "CompanyCode": "2000",
                "FiscalYear": "2023",
                "DocumentType": "AA",
                "HeaderText": "Test Document 1",
                "Date": "17-10-2013"
                "DocumentNumber": "00002",
                "CompanyCode": "1000",
                "FiscalYear": "2022",
                "DocumentType": "AA",
                "HeaderText": "Test Document 2",
                "Date": "21 Aug 2022"
Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)


        "DateTime": "25 May 2021 04:21",
        "HeaderText": "Test Document 1",
        "ConcatenatedField": "Test Document 1,AA",
        "FY": "2,022",
        "Reverse": "1 tnemucoD tseT",
        "Proper": "Test Document 1",
        "DocumentType": "AA"
        "DateTime": "17 Oct 2013 04:21",
        "HeaderText": "Test Document 1",
        "ConcatenatedField": "Test Document 1,AA",
        "FY": "2,023",
        "Reverse": "1 tnemucoD tseT",
        "Proper": "Test Document 1",
        "DocumentType": "AA"
        "DateTime": "21 Aug 2022 04:21",
        "HeaderText": "Test Document 2",
        "ConcatenatedField": "Test Document 2,AA",
        "FY": "2,022",
        "Reverse": "2 tnemucoD tseT",
        "Proper": "Test Document 2",
        "DocumentType": "AA"
Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)